Fee Schedule Information

Patentability (Novelty) Search

Our standard patentability search is conducted within 7 business days. Expedited services are available in 5 business days and Rush services are available in 2 business days. Additionally, non-patent literature searches can be added at an additional cost of $100/hour.
 Search Type
7 business days
5 business days
2 business days
Mechanical Patentability
Medical Patentability
Electrical Patentability
Software/Commerce Patentability
Chemical Patent Patentability
Chemical Patent/Structure
Biological/Pharmaceutical Patentability
Physical Science Patentability
*Contact us for pricing

Validity/Invalidity Search

Our standard Validity search comes with an exhaustive worldwide patent search and a non-patent literature search. The search is normally conducted within 14 business days. Expedited services are available within 10 business days and our Rush service will have your search completed within 7 business days.
 Search Type
14 business days
10 business days
7 business days
Validity Search

Infringement Search

Our Infringement search encompasses a comprehensive analysis of active patents within the designated country. Our standard turnaround time for our infringement search is 14 business days. Expedited services are available within 10 business days and our Rush service will have your search completed within 7 business days.
 Search Type
14 business days
10 business days
7 business days
Infringement Search

Market Clearance/Freedom to Operate/Right to Use Search

This search service includes a thorough examination of unexpired patents and applications for Infringement purposes as well as an exhaustive study of expired patents.  A Non-patent/Technical literature search can be conducted in conjunction with this search for an additional fee. Our standard turnaround time for our search is 14 business days. Expedited services are available within 10 business days and our Rush service will have your search completed within 7 business days.
 Search Type
14 business days
10 business days
7 business days
Clearance Search

Patent Landscape Search

Our patent landscape search services can provide you answers to important business questions. From identifying potential competitors, searching for and defining whitespace, distinguishing targets for licensing or acquisition, or just mapping trends within your industry, our patent landscape search is a vital component in your decision making process. Your landscape search is normally completed in 14 business days. We cater our deliverable to ensure you are able to get the right answers to your particular business question. Please give us a call to discuss.
Search Type
14 business days
10 business days
7 business days
Landscape Search

Trademark Research

Our TM services encompass a comprehensive trademark search through U.S. Federal, U.S. State, International (WIPO), European Community and Canadian trademark databases. Additionally, common law marks can be searched upon request.
 Search Type
14 business days
10 business days
7 business days
Trademark Research

Collection Search

Our collection search involves the acquisition of ALL patents relating to a particular invention or subject matter. The searcher will include any patents which are relevant to the subject matter at issue, even those which appear to be duplicative and redundant. A practitioner can limit the search in various ways, to include selected periods of years, number of patents, assignees, etc. Our standard turnaround time is 10 business days. Expedited services are available in 7 business days and Rush services are available within 3 business days.
 Search Type
7 business days
5 business days
2 business days
Collection Search

State of the Art Search

A state of the art search is directed to finding representative patents relating to a particular type of invention or subject matter. It is similar to a collection search except that the searcher is authorized to exercise judgment in selecting patents. The purpose of this search if to give the practitioner a general overview of the current “state of the art” in the subject matter being examined. Frequently, only patents from the last 10 to 15 years may be provided as they may best reveal the most recent developments. Our standard turnaround time is 7 business days. Expedited services are available in 5 business days and Rush services are available within 2 business days.
 Search Type
7 business days
5 business days
2 business days
State of the Art Search

Assignment, Ownership & Name Searches

These searches determine the inventorship, including present and “chain of title” ownership of patents to determine which patents are owned by certain companies or individuals, and whether they have been assigned to others. Due to the uncertain and sensitive nature of these projects we ask that you contact us for pricing and turnaround time.

Watchdog Searches

Washington Patent Services will be your “watchdog,” providing you with periodic updates regarding a particular patent, technology, company, or inventor, to inform you of changes in the market. This service is essential for any company in a saturated technology sector or one engaged in race to market scenarios. Please contact us for exact pricing and turnaround time.

Corporate Profiling

We will independently create a profile of an inventor, technology sector, or company, including the holdings of any subsidiaries and/or affiliates within the corporate hierarchy, to provide you with a strategic advantage. Understanding a competitor’s intellectual property portfolio, patent prosecution strategy, and licensing patterns is an integral mechanism for every innovative company striving to succeed in an evolving marketplace. Please contact us for exact pricing and turnaround time.

Delivery Options

Every completed search includes a detailed letter outlining the US classes and subclasses searched and a list of the relevant documents located. Additionally, you will receive highlighted PDF copies of each patent located during your search. Clean PDF patent copies will be provided for our Collection and State of the Art searches. Customized search results can always be provided, just contact us prior to ordering. A sample of our completed search can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:

Sample Search Link

Downloadable Fee Schedule PDF